It’s so hard to stand here and do the same thing over and over again.
But practice makes perfect right? And it takes 10,000 hours to master something too. And yesterday I said tomorrow.
Have you ever tried forcing yourself to do the same thing 100 times? The hardest thing is the mental part of it. If you let your mind slip even just a little, you’ll find it wandering sofaraway…
Even after 9 years of karate, I still have to force myself to stand here and practice the same techniques that I’m supposed to have mastered by now. You’d think I would have had it all ingrained as muscle memory years ago. But just like how starring at the same word for a long time makes you doubt the spelling of that word, doing the same thing over and over again sometimes just makes you doubt what you’re doing.
“My hips aren’t really turning with my punches…”
“There’s too much time between my combinations…”
“My cardio is kind of bad…”
Only through doubt will you really have the chance to learn again.
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